Queueing ToolPak 4.0

Queueing ToolPak 4.0
©2003-14, Armann Ingolfsson, Fraser Gallop

About | Download | Support

The Queueing ToolPak (QTP) is a Microsoft Excel add-in consisting of a library of functions that perform basic calculations for waiting line analysis. Once the Queueing ToolPak is installed on your computer you can use the functions as you would any other Excel function.  The functions allow integration of queueing performance measures into spreadsheet models without the limitations imposed by templates with fixed input and output areas that are commonly used for analysis of waiting lines.

Disclaimer: The Queueing ToolPak is provided as is, with no expressed or implied guarantees.

If you wish to bookmark a link to the Queueing ToolPak then link to this page. Its URL is less likely to change than that for other pages describing the ToolPak.

Table of Contents

List of Functions

The functions in version 4.0 calculate the following quantities, for waiting line systems consisting of a single waiting line, one or more parallel servers, a Poisson arrival process, and exponentially distributed service durations (mathematically, M/M/s and M/M/s/s+C systems):

In addition, there are functions that calculate approximations for the following quantities for more general G/G/s systems:

New in Version 4.0


If you find the Queueing ToolPak useful, or if you have suggestions for how to improve it, then I would appreciate hearing about it. E-mail me at Armann.Ingolfsson@UAlberta.ca.

Other Spreadsheet Add-Ins

Mathtools.net has links to many useful technical computing resources, including Excel add-ins.

The Spreadsheet Analytics page lists many useful resources for doing management science and operations research with spreadsheets.

Opensolver.org is an open source optimization solver for MS Excel.

Version 4.0 release date: October 24, 2003

Address: http://queueingtoolpak.org/default.shtml
Last Update: 2 June 2014
Updated By: Armann.Ingolfsson@UAlberta.ca
©2003-14 Armann Ingolfsson